Hiddur Mitzvah – Holiness Beyond Ceremonial
Double Portion for the week of March 3-9,
Vayakhel (Exodus 35:1 – 38:20), and Pikudei (Exodus 38:21 –
Recently someone came to our synagogue gift shop and said, “I want
to buy a mezuzah for a Jewish friend for their new home. Rabbi, would you bless it for me?” I complimented them on their choice of a
beautiful painted wooden mezuzah case, made sure they also had acquired the
kosher parchment scroll to go inside, and then explained that we don’t bless
objects, but rather the mitzvah, the commandment, the action, the holy service
in which that ceremonial object is used. To sanctify Shabbat and usher in holy
days we make a blessing over the wine, not of the wine; a blessing over the
candles, not the candles themselves. I
said that I would be happy to come to the house and arrange a Hanukkat
Ha-bayyit, a home dedication, at which we would offer blessings, and affix the
mezuzah to the doorpost.
It is with this concept in mind that we read this week’s double
portion Vayakhel and Pikudei, both dealing with gathering to celebrate the
completion of the construction of the Mishkan – Tabernacle – in the wilderness
by the Children of Israel, echoing the instructions given in previous Torah
portions Terumah and Tetzaveh. The work
was accomplished by skilled workers under the inspired artistic instruction of
Betzalel, the first acknowledged artist, as we read, “God… endowed him with a
divine spirit of skill… in every kind of craft and has inspired him to make
designs… and to give directions.” (Exodus 35:30-34), enabling him to turn Moses’
blueprint dictated by the Holy One into concrete architecture, and ceremonial
objects in precious metals for worship: the golden menorah, the gold-covered
Aron Hakodesh to hold the Tablets of the Ten Utterances, woven curtains, and all
the other furnishings, implements, and vestments needed for the priests to carry
out their work. The devotion of all the
people is noted through the detailed listing of the valuable materials used –
the gold, silver, copper, fine wood, dyed yarns, skins, and linen, the pure oil
for lighting and spices for incense, the precious stones for the breastplate of
the High Priest, etc. which were “brought as a freewill offering to God” (Exodus
has as its root the letters kuf-hey-lamed
giving rise to related words such as “gathering together,” “congregation,”
community,” “chorus.” So this retelling of the completion of the Mishkan is no
mere listing of a giant building project with all its component parts completed
and accounted for. Rather this is a recounting of the joyous moment of
unification when intention was carried through so that the finished product
could be sanctified and used for its holy purpose.
This is like when we gather together for worship on Shabbat and
holy days, and bring out our silver candlesticks to be lit at the onset of
Shabbat, as we look around at the ark holding the Torah scrolls, with the Ner
Tamid - Eternal Light - glowing above it. All of the ceremonial objects and the very
structure itself become our version of the Mishkan; and the contributions of
money, time, planning, and volunteer efforts are very much like the planks,
posts, poles and generously donated and crafted contributions of our ancestors.
At our services, we use our ceremonial objects, and we sit in sacred space, but
the point is to do the inspired and holy journeying we do together through the
prayers, the offerings of our hearts, as our ancestors did with the sacrifices
on the altar.
“Thus was completed all the work of the Tabernacle of the Tent of
Meetings. The Israelites did so; just as the Lord had commanded Moses, so they
did…. And Moses blessed them (Exodus 39:30-31, and 39:43). The blessing, the ceremonies of setting up the
Tabernacle, the ark, the altar, the menorah, etc., with attention to anointing
and dedicating each part… these are the powerful, culminating actions that lead
to the Cloud of Glory, God’s presence, filling the Tabernacle!
During my 7 years as Museum Educator at the Skirball Museum during
the 1980's we created many exhibits and honored artists who crafted a wide range
of ceremonial objects to enhance worship through Hiddur Mitzvah, the enhancement
of carrying out the commandments with beautiful objects and devoted intention.
We made sure to communicate the holy uses of these objects in synagogues and
homes, to make Jewish culture come alive with these objects, but never lose
sight of their ultimate purpose beyond their own
May we continue to build the Mishkan as in ancient times, but with
the deep understanding that it is not in the objects or projects themselves that
the holiness resides, but rather in the opportunity to focus our attention, our
prayers, our offerings - the essence of
creating holy space. Remember “If you
make me a holy space I will dwell among you, within you” from Terumah (Exodus
25:8). That vital instruction is still playing out here. It is our care, our
intention, our devotion, our blessings to carry out mitzvot, that make these
beautiful, artistically designed ceremonial objects valuable and important.