Wednesday, September 25, 2013

On September 24, 2013 the Sedona City Council had an open discussion on whether to pass an ordinance allowing Civil Unions.  I spoke very briefly, but set a positive tone for the comments that followed.  The ordinance, although mostly symbolic, since the State of Arizona doesn't allow (yet) same-gender marriage, was passed 5 - 2. Of the many statements I have made in my 10 years as a rabbi, this might have been the most important.  
(I think that it was more my presence that “spoke” than my actual short words presented to the City Council of Sedona, AZ)
Civil Union – talking points to City Council September 24, 2013
Honorable Mayor Rob Adams, Esteemed Council Members,
As member of clergy I believe that in the sight of God we are equal, and no one should suffer because their partnership is not recognized and protected by law.
It is exciting that the city of Sedona is considering this ordinance which will set an example for other businesses locally and other cities. It will empower partners of same gender couples to be recognized, respected, and protected.  It will guarantee natural rights of committed, loving partners to be assured of health care visitations, spousal employee benefits, and would reduce possible extended family clashes over such rights.
I hope that the leadership of Sedona will let their spark of clear headed thinking shine brightly in not only passing this ordinance, but widely publicizing its benefits to encourage other governing bodies to follow suit.     We shouldn’t lag behind but rather be in the forefront of doing what is correct and compassionate!
 Thank you for listening with your head and heart.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Day After Yom Kippur

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are now over, but what a journey we took together in our congregation in Sedona, Arizona!  With a back drop of the red mountains, dramatic clouds gathering, men, women, children all making dissonant blasts on their shofars as everyone held their breath in suspense.  Moment that brought us all to tears unexpectedly.  Lovely harp arpeggios quietly playing under the reading of the names from the Yizkor memorial book.  Not feeling the fast, all in white, suspended, angel-like in the chant of Al Cheyt, and Avinu Malkeinu, thoughtful time between services in the meditation garden with quotes, poems and questions fluttering, hanging from the trees.  We put a seal on our "Book of Life" filled out with questions during the Ten Days of Awe about our year review and our new goals and dreams. May you be written and sealed in the Book of Living Fully......    Then, hugs and handshakes, and after the Break-the-Fast, we went home.

The next day a congregant expressed the kind of unsettledness I was feeling , still riding on the waves of the intensity of the Holy Days....  Here is her poem which she permitted me to share:

Next Day
by Ann Metlay, congregant of the Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley in Arizona

 Is there a word 
for the day after Yom Kippur?                                                                                                                             
The day after you've atoned;
After you sat 
in an unforgiving chair,
and stood longer
on quaking knees  
than you ever thought you could? 
The day when you no 
longer have to search 
into the recesses of your mind, 
looking for one more person 
from whom you can ask 
forgiveness? After the day you opened
your heart so wide you felt
angel wings fluttering through.

 The day after,
when you must step down 
off the mountaintop, 
and go on living. The day 
you celebrate all 
your soul work 
by lounging in bed,
energized, yet in transition; 
not even bothering 
to get dressed. 

 The day when 
the cloud of glory
miraculously settles over you,
ready to protect you
as you follow
your own path toward
God-promised land?