Friday, October 23, 2015

Parliament of the World’s Religions in Salt Lake City, October 15 – 19, 2015
Theme: Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity
Working Together for a World of Compassion, Peace, Justice, and Sustainability

What a lofty goal! What a grand vision!  The Parliament of the World’s Religions, this year bringing together over 9500 representatives of over 70 religions from 40 countries, first met in 1893 in Chicago.  It was reconvened at its centennial in 1993 in Chicago, then in 1999 in Capetown, South Africa; in 2004 in Barcelona, Spain; in 2009 in Melbourne, Australia; and the current gathering in 2015 in Salt Lake City.

The day preceding the formal opening of the Parliament was devoted to the Inaugural Women’s Assembly, focusing on issues pertaining to women’s dignity and human rights.  The earth itself was called “Mother” in discussions about the vital importance of honoring and protecting the environment. Panelists discussed such topics as Women, Compassion, and Social Justice; Indigenous Women’s Wisdom Sharing; and Religious and Spiritual Sources of Inspiration and Empowerment for Women.  A dramatic opening ceremony by SHeroes, a women’s dancing and drumming group dedicated to survivors of trauma, performed, each one wrapped in a bright red scarf emblazoned with the logo of SHeroes.  
SHeroes, dancing and drumming

A powerful and distinguished array of speakers brought wisdom from their own teachings and experience, including Mother Maya Tiwari, Bishop Dr. Barbara King, Marianne Williamson, and indigenous grandmothers, to name just a few.

Dr. Barbara, head shot
Dr. Barbara appeared in a flowing emerald green gown, and immediately got everyone’s attention.  No one could believe this energetic, powerful woman was 85 years old!  She exhorted everyone to “Hug yourself.”  She related how she wasn’t allowed to be a Baptist preacher, so she turned to New Thought, and insisted that we all could overcome any circumstance. She founded the Hillside Chapel, known as Hillside International Truth Center in the 1970’s. She spoke forcefully about her belief: “Hope starts… and faith completes it.”  “What you think becomes your reality.” She encouraged people to stop and rest after action since our energy is our light.  Dr. Barbara had everyone stand and hold hands to feel connected and feel each other’s joy and pain. She urged each of us to live life fully, to follow our passion, to find a support group, to use uplifting words, to give thanks, and… to be still. Just listing some of her comments doesn’t come close to feeling the electric energy of her presence.
Dr. Barbara, seated in green robe, part of panel of speakers

Marianne Williamson was also a powerhouse who roused the crowd of thousands to stand up and clap and cheer.  Each speaker had a vibrant and unique energy, a positive and inspiring message, and touched people in a profound way. 

It would be impossible to give a full description of this massive and overwhelming conference.  At any time during the day from 7:00 a.m. until the evening hours, there were about 20 sessions, screenings, discussions, and meditative practices from which to choose.  At the plenary sessions, there were thousands of people in the main hall, but the rest of the day, there were a few hundred gathered in smaller rooms, ballrooms, and halls around the large Salt Palace Conference Center.  Colorful booths displaying posters, literature, clothing, crafts, and educational opportunities filled three large halls. 

Each person attending this conference came away with a different impression, depending on the choices of sessions, and the random encounters with other attendees.  In open areas, one could observe devotional chanting, drumming, and dance.  Hundreds of Sikh volunteers prepared vegetarian meals for anyone who wished to enter, once each person covered their head with a white scarf, and removed their shoes.

An app for one’s phone contained all the information in the 300-plus page booklet describing all the sessions and the speakers. One could make choices and then save one’s personal schedule in the app. We were constantly checking our phones for the next session and asking friends where they were going. This was new technology for me, and proved very helpful in organizing the huge range of offerings.

Although most people stayed in nearby hotels, I was invited by a close friend from our rabbinical seminary to stay with her and several other rabbinic colleagues at her condo in Deer Valley, about 45 minutes’ drive up the mountain.  We had a warm reunion filled with sharing our personal and professional stories. 

The distance, however, made it impossible to attend the very early morning sessions during which various faith groups led services – Hindu meditation, a Friend’s Meeting, Devotional Yoga Satsanga, Healing Service for the World, African Religions of Brazil, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Mystical Christian Interfaith Healing Communion, Sikh Religious Observance, Gospel Service, and many more examples.

Walking down the hall, one could see colorful banners representing world religions and cultures.  The attendees themselves were very colorful, with native dress, embroidered robes, colorful turbans, angel costumes with sparkly wings, and some in humorous costumes like the Sacred Clowns. 

Erev Shabbat services led by Rabbi Marcia Prager, my mentor, and her husband, Hazzan Jack Kessler, with drummer Eli Lester, and on cello Rabbi Yitz Husbands-Hankins, were inspiring and transformative.

Compassion and respect were two oft-heard themes voiced by representatives of many faiths.  Whether we agree on our practices, we must have respect for others’ paths of devotion.  The Dalai Lama was supposed to be the guest of honor, but due to illness he wasn’t able to travel.  He taped an interview which was screened at the luncheon. He spoke with humor and conviction about the need to see ourselves as all connected.  Variations of the Golden Rule were cited as leading us to regard our fellow human beings with love.  At the gala Golden Luncheon each table was decorated with ribbons upon which were written variations of the Golden Rule. 
Just a few examples:

He should not wish for others what he does not wish for himself. – Baha’u’llah

Do to others as you would have them do to you. – Luke 6.3031

One should treat all beings as he himself would be treated. – Agama Sutrakritanga 1.10.13

What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man.  – Talmud, Shabbat 31a.

All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One.  – Black Elk.

The heart of the person before you is a mirror.  See there your own form. – Shinto.

Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss. – Tai Shang Kan YHin P’ien

The list of these sayings goes on for 4 pages in the Parliament book.

So with all of these respectful, compassionate, loving ideas, why is there so much distrust, hatred, and violence in the world… and in the name of religion?!  Ah, that was the question posed and discussed in many of the sessions.  Political usurping of literal religious teachings has allowed people to use messages in the sacred writings of many faiths to claim dominance and superiority or to enslave another people. The charismatic, passionate speakers all made a plea in one way or another for a return to the deeply connected, spiritual roots that proclaim the oneness of all creation. 

I was personally interested in following the sessions of the Abrahamic Reunion, a group of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Druze, and Jews, men and women,  who all live in Israel and Palestine, and, for the past 15 years, have coordinated gatherings for dialogue under tremendous pressure and tension of the current volatile situation.  The founders and organizers, Rabbi Eliyahu McLean (yes that is right) and Shahabudden David Less, a Murshid of the Sufi order,   reach out to people in the entire spectrum of thought and practice in the Holy Land to come to meetings, meals, and ceremonies, to learn about each other.  They are a ray of hope that even when in disagreement, there can be respect and continued communication and caring.

My friend Ruth Sharone, a noted interfaith activist, presented songs from her musical-in-process called Interfaith, the Musical.  Delightful and touching songs.  This is going to be a hit!

I have kept the heavy volume of sessions and speakers for anyone who wishes a more in-depth description of the topics offered at the conference.

I am still digesting the sense of excitement, and sometimes slight discomfort, that I felt as a result of the waves of opinions, doctrines, and passionately-held beliefs flowing over me as I walked from session to hall to screening to one-on-one encounters.

One highlight was a concert in the famous Mormon Tabernacle, with hundreds of children from local schools, churches, mosques and clubs forming a choir.  The opening was a series of “Call to prayer” from Indigenous people, Moslem Muezzin, and blasts of the shofar from several rabbis. 

I posted colorful photos on Facebook during the day, and received many positive responses from people who could not attend, and were following my reports about the stream of speakers, musicians, artists, and cultural events. 

A group of monks worked with great skill and concentration to form a huge mandala from colored sand in the entry hall.  On the last day it was finally completed, only to be swept away as something beautiful but impermanent.  That really touched people… to invest so much energy in a beautiful product, and then have it disappear.
Perhaps that is a good metaphor for the whole experience. 
We listen, talk, exchange ideas, give great attention to learning new information, and then… where does it all go?  One hopes it is transformational within our hearts, and will lead to action in the future.  One does not need the physical, concrete evidence of what is beautiful, true, important… We must carry that inside of us. Once our heart strings have been plucked, we hear the reverberations that keep us in tune as a guide forever.

For anyone who wishes to ask questions, or see the bag full of materials from the conference, please contact me at

With blessings for respect, compassion, and honor for all beings and for the earth.

Rabbi Alicia Magal
7 p.m. Tuesday, October 20, 2015.

Coffee Talk with the Rabbi, First Tuesday

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Coffee Talk

First Tuesday of the month starting August 4, I am  sitting at the Java Love Cafe in Sedona to meet anyone who wishes to come speak to me.  My friend, Angela LeFevre, who serves on our local Sedona City Council, also will be available for people to ask her questions. We set up two adjoining tables, and people came first to one of us, then switched to the other, and asked all kinds of questions.  To me, they wanted to know about the Blood Moon ( I had to look that one up!!) as well as questions about a spiritual path and how Judaism teaches awareness of time.  Great discussion of "sacred time."  To Angela, they posed questions about whether it is a good thing or not to have Sedona designated a National Monument. I look forward to the next informal meeting at the cafe, Sept. 1.
Rabbi Alicia Magal in Red Rock Rabbi cap and holding Jewish Community of Sedona mug

Terrie Frankel, standing on left, came by. Hubbetzin Itzhak Magal standing on right checked that I was ok.
Angela LeFevre is sitting between Itzhak and me.
We combined tables for this photo at one moment during the Coffee Talk visit. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

 Subject: surprise Sunday adventure 8.3.15

Daughter Alicia  writes:  My mother Nika has been sending me emails nearly each day, describing her adventures of meeting people at the marina on her walks, at the library, at the lake… and each encounter was special, warm, a real connection with young people who bought her book From Miracle to Miracle: A Story of Survival, or came over to visit at her studio, or just had a “moment.”  This day was different, started out with a slightly down feeling, but ended “up”….  I am sending out this blog and conserving some of her breathless punctuation.. rarely a comma or period, just a series of dashes.   

Nika’s report:
The day started not well-   being tired  and  kind of missing my whole  family –feeling  blue.  
After my afternoon nap felt much better, and decided to go to our air-conditioned library- always a great pleasure for me. 
Neomi helped me with my cell phone -  always  so friendly- Joyce always ready with a solution to any problem-  love that place.
No swimming to day  too hot   -  so decided  to return home. As I was driving something made me turn to the Book Store Restaurant-  the pull  was  very strong  for no apparent reason. Well I can always eat  something and enjoy  the bay   -  why not.
To my total surprise  I found a big party going on -  asked  the waiter  the reason-Carol’s  80 Birthday.
WOW-   Remember  this lovely place  for so many years  - today  first time  met  Carol’s beautiful  granddaughters Taylor  and Morgan  and  the father Todd (Norwegian  descent).
I only knew Carol Ann the daughter  and her son with a pony tail….
In 1948 when I first arrived  in Wellfleet and fell in love with Cape Cod I saw a used book store and magazines in a small building on Mayo Beach.  The owner to my surprise spoke Polish  - although both his wife and he - retired policeman -were Lithuanian.
I was curious to see what went on in US while we were fighting, starving in Warsaw  and found 3 Life magazines describing  activities in  '40-43 years here in America..  I started crying-  when I realized no one had any idea what we were going through in Poland  - Europe-  they had Ms. America contest.  
This started my friendship with  the family and book store restaurant became my second home through nearly 70 summers.

Today I had to be there to sing 100 years  (sto lat in Polish) to Carol  - best wishes  and delighted  to have met  the younger generation  .

Best wishes from my 4  generations  -  my husband  Fred Fleissig loved  the place.
Duzo  calusow  (many kisses) from 95 year old  smiling Nika Kohn Fleissig and my whole family.

Alicia adds:  You can look up on the internet  Life Magazine Covers 1940… one can see them all but cannot copy them.
Some of the covers for 1940 were Silk shawls in fashion,   Girl lifeguard, Vacations on a sailboat, Roosevelt wins 3rd term, girl in heart and flowers hat entitled Floral Valentines, Fancy ranch duds, Ginger Rogers, Lana Turner, Party season, ’British in Egypt....
The 1942 selection of covers is very different: These covers reflect America’s engagement in war: Nursing shortage, Coastal defense, Air force women’s auxiliary, US warplanes, USO singer and soldier, Brooklyn Navy Yard, Bombardier school, dancing in frilly frock Joan Leslie,  Eye-catcher hats, Short coats (lots of leg showing),   so fashion and film were still considered cover-worthy. Really fascinating – check out 1943… one cover features a POW’s wife. War was a reality but kind of far away for Americans.

- Nika Fleissig

Please Read My Blog Here:

Order our book, From Miracle To Miracle: A Story of Survival (via PayPal):

Please view my art here:

Rabbi Alicia Magal

928 204-1286

"A Jewel of a Shul"

Mission Statement:
The Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley is a welcoming, egalitarian, inclusive congregation dedicated to building a link from the past to the future by providing religious, educational, social and cultural experiences. We choose to remain unaffiliated in order to respect and serve the rich diversity of our members and visitors. 

Monday, July 27, 2015


Not everyone comes to the synagogue or goes to City Council meetings... so my friend Angela LeFevre, new member of our local City Council, and I decided to go out to make it easier for people to meet us and talk informally. 

i had the idea to have a regular time at a local cafe - Java Love Cafe on 89A in West Sedona, and Angela said she had been thinking of doing something similar, so I suggested why don't we do it at the same time?  We agreed on the First Tuesday of each month from noon to 2 pm starting Tuesday, August 4, 2015.  

A local feature reporter, Zachary Jernigan, wants to do an article about it in the local Red Rock News. 

Angela and I got together to make final arrangements. I made us signs and we thought appropriate mugs were in order - a scenic Sedona mug for her, and an Oy Vey cup (gift from Shondra Jepperson) for me. 

Let's see if this Coffee Talk idea catches on!  

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Vacation canceled, but good reason

Vacation canceled, but husband Itzhak is healing, and that's the important thing. 
He's home after 10 days in the hospital with a severe inflammation that caused his stomach and intestines to stop functioning.  I was so looking forward to holding our precious 6 month old baby granddaughters... but I had to be satisified with daily skype connections.   Itzhak is healing quite well at home, getting a lot of good care, has lost weight, and will continue to follow a well-defined nutrition program for diabetes.  I was able to lead the baby naming ceremony of our daughter Tali and son-in-law Craig’s twin baby girls Gabriella and Amalia by Skype.  Our son Amir also flew in for the family gathering.    
Gabriella and Amalia
Snapshot of Family gathering on Skype

Each day without fail I get an email from my mother Nika about her adventures… She adores spending 4 months at her cottage on Cape Cod in the village of Wellfleet.  Amazing how many people she meets - maybe walking around the marina, perhaps swimming at one of the ponds, sometimes at the Senior Center.  This week in mid-July my brother Will Fleissig, his wife Wendy and their daughters Ariel and Mia are staying nearby in Wellfleet. What joy for my mother to see them each day, hear their stories, watch the girls dance and sing, and just feel like close family.  It is hard for us all being so spread out from coast to coast.
I edit her blog entitled Life Begins at Ninety.  I gathered a few recent emails and photos and sent them out under the title "Each Day... Adventures!"
Here are a few excerpts from emails I received this past week alone! Pretty much unedited, so you get the flavor:

Subject: Fun Time
Hi   Such a nice  time -  being together  with 4 of  my Darlings-performing, singing  just having fun-  how long it does not matter.
Hope you had a good workout and please do something every day-  even  for 15 minutes.  
Much love  calusy  (kisses in Polish, pronounced tzawusi) Mamusia 

Nika at the Marina, Wellfleet, Massachusetts


Good morning  Monday July  20. Wellfleet Cape Cod
Tried  to swim together  with my children  but our timing was wrong.  So they went wave catching in the ocean  and I went to Great Pond all alone . 
I knew  someone will help me,  and so it happened I met a nice  lady who
recognized me  - She had read the book and listened to our talk.   She got me down to the lake safely.
In the water met Joan and Ed Weaving
Had a  beautiful swim and walk in the water to exercise  and then Ed offered to get me back to my car. 
I found our book-  dedicated it to Weavings and hope
they will visit me  soon in my studio.
Perfect morning  - Hope you are enjoying whatever you are doing  and we see each other later to “Show and tell”.
Bless you and thank you for making “life begins at 90” real fun. 
Smiling  Baci  Nika

Beautiful day.  just perfect-   Children catching waves   I went for my usual walk around the marina. Wearing cheerful pants I had bought with you in Oregon. A lady came to me and said “Hi Nika, my husband read your book,  is sitting in the car  (fell off the ladder has a broken hand and fingers) and told me to talk to you."
I remember falling off a ladder picking up a yellow shawl from the attic for a gallery opening many years ago. Fred was holding the ladder to help. Ended in the hospital with a broken wrist which was never properly put together  by a butcher-doctor.  We all do dumb things and have to pay for them dearly.
This lady  used to have a catering business in Connecticut and told me her daughter delivers a chocolate  bomb  desert to Wicked Oyster.  We should try it tonight.
I showed her Fredziu’s  plaque  and we  really  connected.
Now waiting for the children to see what the day will bring. 

Nika at marina, Wellfleet, next to plaque in memory of Alfred Fleissig
Plaque reads:
Alfred Fleissig 1906-1984
His love of Wellfleet and this harbor
has been passed down to the fourth generation.

Afternoon after 5:30  dinner  at Wicked Oyster--- elegant  gallery opening  across from Glenn….  then maybe  dancing at the pier if not too windy.  Wow-Love  Wellfleet!!!!!!!!  Calusy  Mamusia

I miss you -  talked about you at the opening of the new gallery  across from Glen.  Bettina and her husband.   They promised to visit me.   Saturday  new play opening.  Joanna will pick me up.  Life is interesting  if you do not close your doors!  Much love  M

Alicia adds:  Please reread that last sentence.  Worth embroidering or making into a banner! 
-         Nika Kohn Fleissig

- Nika Fleissig

Please Read My Blog Here:

Order our book, From Miracle To Miracle: A Story of Survival (via PayPal):

Please view my art here:

Rabbi Alicia Magal

928 204-1286

"A Jewel of a Shul"

Mission Statement:
The Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley is a welcoming, egalitarian, inclusive congregation dedicated to building a link from the past to the future by providing religious, educational, social and cultural experiences. We choose to remain unaffiliated in order to respect and serve the rich diversity of our members and visitors. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Baby naming of grandbabies - on skype; Itzhak in hospital

See the above link (you may have to copy and paste it) for a short video made by our son Amir Magal of highlights of the baby naming of our grand daughters Gabriella and Amalia, born to daughter Tali Magal and son-in-law Craig Fleishman. 
Also celebration of my mother's 95th birthday (which was May 27th).  

Gabriella and Amalia all dressed up for the naming ceremony July 10, 2015

Tali and Craig introduce the babies to Long Pond in Wellfleet, MA

Gabriella meets great grandmother Nika on July 4, 2015

Nika meets Amalia, held by Tali, July 4, 2015

Skype computer screen - Alicia at bottom right, connected from Sedona
Family gathered in Wellfleet, Massachusetts on July 10, 2015:
from left - our son, Amir Magal, my brother, Will Fleissig,
Craig Fleishman holding Gabriella, Tali Magal holding Amalia,
Will and Wendy's daughter, Mia Kohn, Wendy Kohn, my mother Nika Fleissig, and Ariel Kohn

Sad that Itzhak got ill and we had to cancel our vacation to Cape Cod, but I was able to participate on Skype (see Skype screen shot above).

Itzhak was at the local hospital in Cottonwood, being treated for severe inflammation of the tissue surrounding the small intestine. He remained there from Friday, July 3 until Sunday afternoon, July 12.  I won't post photos of him all connected to tubes, but here he was on the ninth day, already able to walk around the hospital floor and the small courtyard.

Just as Itzhak was being discharged, Ed Bierman came to visit.
The walk was long, so friend Ann Crosman wheeled him to the room.
Itzhak and Ed got to wheel down the hall together.

Itzhak left a happy goodbye sign
by blowing up the rubber gloves

Sunday, February 1, 2015

First visit to new baby granddaughters

Itzhak and I made plans to travel to Brooklyn from Sunday, January 25 - Wednesday, January 28 to meet our baby granddaughters Gabriella Roux and Amalia Belle, born on January 15. Who knew there would be warnings of a major snow storm in NY which shut down all traffic and businesses?! 
We were delighted to see how happy our daughter Tali and her husband Craig are despite the difficult, long labor Tali underwent to produce these two miraculous tiny beings!  They already exhibit marked differences in looks and personality.  Only ten days old and already striking individuals!

Amalia on the left; Gabriella on the right

Craig and Tali, delighted new parents

Saba Itzhak with Amalia

Savta Alicia bonding

View of the Brooklyn Bridge in snow storm
from the window of Tali and Craig's apartment--
magical in all weather!

When we returned to Sedona, Arizona, it was time to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the New Year of the Trees.  On Sunday, February 1, we held a Tu B'Shevat "Seder," featuring a variety of fruits and produce of Israel - olives, oranges, dates, pomegranates, etc., and sang traditional Israeli songs about almond trees, the very first to flower, each season. After the meal and songs, we went outside to plant two rose bushes in honor of the birth of Gabriella and Amalia.  The religious school children and synagogue members wrote blessings on paper leaves and tied them to the trellis supporting the bushes.  We look forward to their blooming, as we look forward to the blooming and flowering of our precious granddaughters! 

Tray of fruits and products of Israel - dates, olives, oranges, pomegranates, etc.
plus a photo of the babies; frame decorated by Nancy Fleishman, the other new grandmother!

Tu B'Shevat Seder... New Year of the Trees
at the Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley
Religious School students wrote blessings for the trees, for the babies, and for the environment.
Joe Berger, standing in the back, planted the two rose bushes in honor of the birth of our granddaughters
two rose bushes in front of the synagogue

Plaque - "Planted in honor of the birth of
Gabriella Roux and Amalia Belle
with love from the
Magal, Fleissig, and Fleishman families"

Savta Rabbi Alicia and Saba Itzhak Magal
in front of the rose bushes with the blessings tied onto the trellis